Along the mule track to Erbonne

Mulattiera per Erbonne

A relaxing itinerary, immersed in the woods and with a memorable finish line: Erbonne.

The path starts from Centro Valle Intelvi, La Bolla, not far from the former ski resorts of Monte Crocione.


by car: from Piazza GB Carminati (Centro Valle Intelvi, locality San Fedele) continue on the provincial road towards Alta Valle Intelvi – Lanzo; after passing the Shopping Center, turn left onto Via Casasco (first street on the left after the Shopping Center) and continue straight until reaching loc. Casasco. Before reaching the town center, turn right onto Via Fratelli Terragni (visible Bar Trattoria Pizzeria Bellavista at the crossroads):,9.0753692,3a,75y,219.25h,85.89t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1scCII8oBmm6WrbEXtdWPPdw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!9m2!1b1!2i47

Continue straight until just before the “Loc. La Bolla” (approx. 2.8 km – 6 min by car):,+Via+Fratelli+Terragni,+22022+Casasco+Intelvi+CO/45.9453317,9.0685133/@45.945018,9.0676567,1067m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m9!4m8!1m5!1m1!1s0x478425932e41a9a7:0x2f89a5be6d09db6c!2m2!1d9.0752136!2d45.9455778!1m0!3e0

and park the car in the open space as in the following photo:,9.06857,3a,75y,260.31h,82.65t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sd7vblfCB1WZhQipdWIMWSQ!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192

Mulattiera per Erbonne

The route will follow the mule track and in 1 hour and 20 minutes you will reach Erbonne!

Mulattiera per Erbonne

The path is, on the outward journey, flat in the first section and gently downhill for the remainder.

Mulattiera per Erbonne
Mulattiera per Erbonne

Right away you will see a glimpse of Lake Como with Monte San Zeno as the protagonist

Mulattiera per Erbonne
Mulattiera per Erbonne
Mulattiera per Erbonne

As soon as you reach the point where you will be able to admire this wonderful view of the mountain pasture:

Mulattiera per Erbonne
Mulattiera per Erbonne

A tree will help you continue along the straight path (at the crossroads in the previous photo continue straight).

Mulattiera per Erbonne

Along the road you will first come to a bubble followed by nevere (used in the past for food preservation) and ancient rural stone houses.

Mulattiera per Erbonne
Mulattiera per Erbonne
Mulattiera per Erbonne
Mulattiera per Erbonne

The last stretch of the path finally opens onto a beautiful view of the small and characteristic village of Erbonne:

Mulattiera per Erbonne

And after just a few more steps the destination is reached

Mulattiera per Erbonne
Mulattiera per Erbonne
Mulattiera per Erbonne


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