Art and culture Churches
Chiesa di Fatima

Strongly desired by the population residing in the current locality. Passeggeri and by Monsignor Alfredo Prioni, under the guidance of the parish priest of that time, Don Ulderico Belli, the building was built in 1961 based on a design by Tino Borghesi, surveyor, and on land specially donated by Giovannina Bianchi dell'Andrino. The foundations of the church were built thanks to the contributions collected from the women of the area who made and put up for sale baskets full of cyclamen in order to raise the money necessary to start the works. The small and graceful building recalls, in modern style, an Alpine chapel and preserves inside beautiful paintings by the painter Gaetano Corti (1913 – 1972) depicting “Jesus and the children” and the “Apparition of Fatima”. Subsequently, another building was built near the church, used as a sacristy, with an original appearance. This small place of worship, the fruit of a great common love, has been a meeting, prayer and conviviality point since its origins. Even today, on two occasions, the church reopens: on May 13th, to celebrate the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Fatima with a solemn mass and the weekend before August 15th with the traditional festival which takes place in the adjacent football pitch. Also here, as part of this event, the "Football Quadrangular - Memorial Pezza" has been held for fourteen years, reserved for the little ones and in memory of one of the inhabitants who contributed most to giving life to Fatima and making this place a point a favorite meeting place for the population. Even today the Festival of Our Lady of Fatima is a very popular celebration: on Saturday, after the Holy Mass, the gastronomic evening begins, in which, under the stars, we eat and play music. On Sunday, after the Holy Mass, the Statue of the Madonna is carried in procession accompanied by the Band or Choir and immediately after the Blessing, it ends with an excellent lunch in company and basket-making in the afternoon.,9.0706564,3a,89.7y,127.18h,88.46t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suytQupiDkcE1eANtkHYH2A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192,9.0706525,3a,75y,58.67h,91.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1svqv6LpaflFrAzMK7xA0-pA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192



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