A new opportunity for young people and adults in the Intelvi villages

An important initiative for the relaunch of craftsmanship is ready to start in the Intelvi villages thanks to the project “La cultura cheaccoglienza – Borghi comacini in rete”, born from the PNRR. The project aims to enhance ancient arts such as woodworking and textiles, offering new growth opportunities for young and old interested in building their future in the sector. Impresa Futura, promoted by Fondazione Cariplo, integrates these efforts with the aim of creating new professional skills and supporting local businesses. Through a close collaboration with Confartigianato Imprese Como, a call is being finalized to select young people who will be trained and placed in the artisan realities of the area with paid internships. Artigianato e futuro: un’opportunità per giovani e meno giovani nei borghi intelvesi Craftsmanship as a resource for the territory: this project is a concrete response to the problem of emigration of young people to Switzerland, offering new job opportunities and enhancing the rich local cultural heritage. An opportunity not to be missed for those who want to learn a trade, contribute to the growth of the territory and give new impetus to traditional craftsmanship!


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