Laino is a village of 499 inhabitants, its territory covers an area of 666 hectares and it is situated at an altitude of 671 meters above sea level.
It is located on a plateau between the Loria and the Ceresio mounts that contribute, along with various streams and the Telo Lirone river, to make it a bit more secluded and independent from the other villages.
It is certain that Laino was already populated at the ancient Romans’ time, as evidenced by objects found in the area, which are exhibited in the Archaeological Museum of Como. The name of the town probably comes from the hamlet of Jno, founded by the ancient colonizer Jnus.
Later in time, a castle was built : it was an important center of defense during the barbarian invasions of Goths, Vandals, Alans, Ostrogoths and Heruli. The town took part in the ten-years war between Como and Milan and, at the end of it, it passed into the hands of different families, who already owned many other towns of the valley: Camuzzi, Trivulzio, Rusca, Marliani and Riva Andreotti.
The Conte Melchiorre Riva Andreotti appointed himself the seat of the General Intelvese Council and, during the period of Austrian ruling, the village became the center of operations of the Intelvese “Giovine Italia”.



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